The Show Must Go On!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ouch!! How many of you caught the Heidi and LC confrontation on MTV's The Hills? Sometimes, when my boyfriend isn't around, I switch the channel so that I can indulge in this guilty pleasure! Tonight, I changed the channel from wrestling to the last 5 minutes of The Hills episode that everyone's been waiting for - Heidi and Lauren finally get together to discuss the feud that's been the major plotline this entire season.

It seemed harmless enough, when Heidi tried to make small talk and was obviously trying to apologize to Lauren for the whole scandal that unfolded earlier this year. And I really thought that they were going to kiss and make up as Lauren was fighting back the tears in between Heidi's constant I'm Sorry's. But to my surprise, Lauren uttered these words that must have been like a shot through the heart.. because I certainly felt the stab!

"The only thing there really is to do is to is forgive and forget... I want to forgive you and I want to forget you. " Here's the clip of death (fast forward through the first 30 seconds of Audrina). Not sure if the video works, so if it doesn't, watch on MTV's Overdrive HERE.

I mean, c'mon! As much as I really dislike Heidi, she seemed so geniune in trying to apologize for crazy Spencer. But, since it wouldn't be a fabulous episode of The Hills without it, they decided that LC and Heidi would continue their feud. Maybe they'll kiss and make up at the wedding reception.

I guess we'll have to stay tuned to see what happens!


yummy411 said...

omg this is the best synopsis of an episode that i've read yet that makes me totally want to watch it now! i can't see the vid from here, but i can't wait to get to my primary comp to view it!! ahaaha lol horrible...

nilla cookie said...

Hey girl!

I know, I don't get to watch The Hills much and I was actually getting ready for bed when I saw Lauren utter those words. I thought to myself, "no sleep.. must.. post.. blog.."

I hope you get to watch it because it was brutal!

Happy Turkey Day tomorrow!